Reducing waste in the kitchen: how these 3 products can help   

Right now, reducing the amount of waste we produce in our kitchens is a top priority. People want to protect the environment and reduce their burden on natural resources.

Everyone knows that they shouldn’t waste food or leave the tap running whilst they aren’t using it, but figuring out which products can help to reduce waste is another matter. How does buying more stuff help to slash waste?

It’s all to do with durability. Traditionally, people used disposable clingfilm, tin foil, sandwich bags and freezer bags without a second thought, they were cheap and convenient.

But then they thought about the damage that they were doing to the environment. Many plastic food preparation products do not biodegrade, meaning that they usually wind up in landfill for generations to come.

But now there are multiple products out there that let you slash your waste output. Here are some examples, and how you can use them.

Reusable Bread Bags

People looking to cut their food packaging waste will often try to buy bread loose. Bread that comes without a plastic or paper wrapper is much better for the environment than bread that does.

But that doesn’t negate the need for some sort of wrapping to keep it safe and fresh (and prevent crumbs from getting everywhere). Fortunately, there’s a natural, durable solution: bees wax bread bags.

Beeswax bread bags are 100 percent made of raw natural materials and will last up to a year in the kitchen. They’re also compostable, meaning that worms and bacteria in the soil can break them down over time and return them to nature.

Beeswax bread bags Available Here

Reusable Bowl Covers

Here’s another clever idea you’ll want to explore in your kitchen: reusable bowl covers.

Let’s say that you make a large bowl of food and want to store leftovers in the refrigerator. Usually, you’d just cover it in cling film or foil. But both of those solutions are disastrous for the environment. Eventually, you’re going to throw those covers away, adding to your household waste.

But now you can get reusable bowl covers made of 100 percent GOT-certified organic cotton.

Cotton comes from plants, which means that when the product reaches the end of its life, you can just put it in a compost bin. Here again, bacteria and other elements in the compost will break it down, returning it to the Earth.

The nice thing about this product is that it lasts many years. So you can cut down on your clingfilm waste by up to 20 percent.

Available Here

Food Wraps

Finally, let’s say that you want to take food with you out of the home - perhaps a packed lunch to work. Usually, you’d wrap your sandwiches or fruit in some kind of disposable wrapper. But with vegan food wraps made of pure natural materials, you can choose a more sustainable option.

These wraps contain your food just like regular products, but will also compost, plus the vegan version uses no animal products or harms any in its creation.

Available Here

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